Online pdf and word file hosting free


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The keyword must be a word or a part of word that can be found at a file description

Last uploaded files

temptations: english textDOWNLOAD / OPEN2021-12-24 00:39:18
My child is going mad: english text.DOWNLOAD / OPEN2021-12-24 00:28:27
english text to study at schoolDOWNLOAD / OPEN2021-12-22 12:11:16

How to use this tool?

It is a tool allowing you to upload online your documents (in pdf, word, excel or PowerPoint format), these documents must contain information that you deem necessary to share with the public (Courses, Notices, circular note, etc. ). All documents sent online are displayed in the home interface of the website and can be viewed or downloaded by all visitors. You download and publish documents at the same time with this tool.
Before you start to host your files on the web through the tool, you must first register by clicking on the 'Inscription' button located at the top of this web page, after registration click on the ' Connection' button which is next to the button 'Inscription' to identify yourself by giving your login and passwy in order to have access to the web page containing the form for uploading files.
This form contains a multi-line input field to enter the description of the file and a button that allows you to browse your computer or phone to select the file (the file size must be less than or equal to 10MB), you just need to then click on the 'send' button to upload or host your file online.
If you just hosted your cloud document on the website, you can see it among the list of hosted documents at the top of this web page in a table. You can also search for files or documents that are hosted on the website using the search form. Simply indicate a keyword in the input field of the form located above the table and click on the search button. If the description of one or more files corresponds to the keyword then these files are displayed in a new table which will appear below the form.
You are allowed to host several files online (pdf documents, Word documents, Excel files, PowerPoint files). The number of word, pdf, excel, PowerPoint files that you can send over the internet is unlimited. No file in image format (png, jpeg, gif) is allowed, when you select the file of type png for example, you cannot upload it online.
It's also a way to back up your files online so you can retrieve them soon. The recommended file format is the file in pdf format.

PDF file or PDF document definition
PDF (Portable Document Format) is a type of format that allows documents to be displayed in an electronic format independent of the hardware, operating system or software used to open it. But opening a pdf file requires sometimes the installation of one software, to open the pdf file, Adobe Acrobat must be installed.
Convert word document to pdf file
you can convert Word document to pdf with a mobile app like 'Convert Word to PDF' which you can find in Play Store, this app helps to convert different document formats to pdf(you need an internet connexion). You can also convert Word format files into pdf files with a computer running Microsoft Office (from the 2010 version) by following these steps:
Open the file you want to convert to PDF format.
• Click on the File tab in the upper left corner of the Microsoft Word interface to choose 'Save as'.
• Click Type to display the list of available save formats and choose PDF.
• To finish the conversion operation, click on 'Save' to save the file.
What is Word file or Word document ?
A Word document is a document in docx format written using Microsoft Office Word (the default file format is doc). Microsoft Office Word is one of the office software that is part of the office suite created by Microsoft, it is a word processing software for editing text and formatting it.
What is PowerPoint ?
PowerPoint is another software in the Office suite, it is a software for writing documents for presentation, a PowerPoint slideshow can have the following file formats: ppt, pps or pot.
Excel file?
Excel is also part of the Office desktop software of Microsoft, it is a data processing software, an excel file format has an xls or xlsx extension.
