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What are the factors of 234?

A factor of 234 is a positive integer that we can multiply by another whole number to find 234.
Example: 18 is a multiple of 234 because we can get 234 by multiplying 18 with another natural number that is equal to 13 (18*13=234). Since 18 multiplied by 13 gives 234 then 18 and 13 are both factors of 234.
Remark: By dividing 234 by one of its divisors (factors) then we get as quotient another factor of 234.
Example: 26 is a factor of 234, so 234 divided by 26 gives as quotient 9 that is another factor of 234 and the remainder of the division is equal to zero.
234 is a composite number with 12 factors, here are the 12 factors of 234: 1; 2; 3; 6; 9; 13; 18; 26; 39; 78; 117; 234.
Here are all the multiplications of two integers that the product is equal to 234: 1*234=234; 2*117=234; 3*78=234; 6*39=234; 9*26=234; 13*18=234.
Here are the prime factors of 234: 2; 3; 13.
The prime factorization of 234 is: 2*3^2*13.
234 is a multiple of 2 then 234 is an even number.
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