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What are the factors of 4000?

The factors of 4000 are in arithmetic natural numbers that divide 4000 by giving an integer quotient and zero remainder. The factors of 4000 are also called divisors of 4000.
If we multiply two positive integers and their product is equal to 4000 so those two integers are factors 4000.
Example: 40 is a factor of 4000 because 4000 divided by 40 gives 100 as quotient and zero remainder.
The division of 4000 by a number that is a factor of 4000 gives a quotient that is also a factor of 4000.
80 multiplied by 50 is equal to 4000 so 50 and 80 are factors of 4000.
Here are all the factors of 4000:
1; 2; 4; 5; 8; 10; 16; 20; 25; 32; 40; 50; 80; 100; 125; 160; 200; 250; 400; 500; 800; 1000; 2000; 4000.
Remark:4000 has 24 factors then 4000 is a composite number, all natural numbers that are not composite numbers are prime numbers.
Prime factors of 4000 are: 2 and 5.
The prime factorization of 4000 is equal to: 2^5*5^3.

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